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Forum Terms of service

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Welcome to Hair & Beauty From Home Exclusive MEMBERS ONLY Forum! Terms of Use Last updated: November 2014 ACCESS to and use of this site, is provided subject to the following terms. Should you not agree to these terms do not access this Forum. Please be aware that these terms are subject to change and therefore you should review them frequently. Copyright & Intellectual Property All text, photographs, graphics, designs, code, scripts, sound, video, animation and other material on this site is copyright. You may not reproduce, copy, transmit, modify, distribute, or publish in any FORM (including derivative works) the content of this Forum and it cannot be reproduced without the explicit written consent of the Administrator. You agree not to use any material on this site for any purpose other than for personal, non-commercial use. You may not upload, submit or post any material to which you do not own the full copyright. By SUBMITTING material to the site you agree that you are the full copyright holder and that is it an original work. By posting images, text, sound, video or other content on the site you agree to grant Hair & Beauty From Home permission to display, reproduce, rework, adapt, translate, transmit, publish and to incorporate the material in whole or part into derivative works for an unlimited period of time and in doing so you grant Hair & Beauty From home and non-exclusive worldwide rights to the material on a royalty-free basis and without charge. If you do not wish to grant Hair & Beauty From Home these rights please do not submit any material to the site. Conduct By using this Forum you agree to the following rules across all parts of the site and any communications made by Hair & Beauty From Home. Language All forum posts, comments and other SUBMITTED material must be submitted in English The use of "leet", sms abbreviations and other undecipherable language is not tolerated and such posts will be deleted. Excessive use of swear words is not permitted. Abusive Behaviour Behaviour that is upsetting, disruptive or abusive to another member or to the site itself will result in the suspension of your member account Content You may not post links to adult content, GAMBLING SITES or any web site that is offensive You may not use an offensive user name Spamming in the FORM is prohibited, If you are a APPROVED Supplier member, affiliate or partner to Hair & Beauty From Home, you are encouraged to List your business and its product/service in the "supplier section" ONLY. You may not post any form of advertising, unless its in the approved supplier section & approved by administration. You may not post content that is offensive (such as pornographic, racist, vulgar or upsetting material) and any user who posts this type of content will have his or her member account suspended Any user found to have or attempted to hack, exploit, crack passwords on any part of the forum or have attempted TO APPLY virus/viruses or any form of malware or any other form of attack on the site will have action taken on their account and any relevant third parties will be contacted. Personal Information We recommend that you do not share any personal information about yourself such as telephone numbers, addresses, banking details, email addresses with other members or publicly. Hair & Beauty From Home cannot be held responsible for any consequences of doing so. Legal You may not post any material that is illegal. Material posted on the site must not infringe on any copyright, TRADEMARKS, privacy or publicity rights. You assume all legal responsibility for the material you post on Hair & Beauty From Home Forum If you are under 16 years old you must get permission from your parent or legal guardian before using this site. Any illegal material will be reported to the relevant authorities. Action may be taken against abusive users in the form of suspension of account. We may also report your abuse to third parties such as your service provider. Information collected about you such as email ADDRESS, ip address and times the you accessed the site may be used for this purpose. Action taken ADMINISTRATORS, members of staff and moderators of Hair & Beauty From Home reserve the right to remove any material contributed to the site which is deemed offensive, irrelevant or which breaks any of the terms outlined in this document. They may also remove any content without explanation. Administrators, members of staff and moderators also reserve the right to delete, remove or suspend user accounts without any explanation. Your Privacy Hair & Beauty From Home will never sell or share your information with outside organisations. We require your user name, password and email address so that YOUR ACCOUNT can operate. You do not have to provide any information about yourself such as your real name, your location etc. unless purchasing from our shop and we will not share this information with anyone outside of Hair & Beauty From Home staff without your permission. As well as the information you provide we also log a small amount of information which we use to improve the site and prevent abuse. This includes information such as your ip address, date of logins and web browser and operating system used. We never share this information with third parties and is only used to improve the site. Disclaimer Information on this site is not to be taken as professional instruction, Not all members are qualified professionals and should be only taken as user experience. No liability will be taken for any injury or damage caused by following the advice given on this forum. Always read the manufacturers instructions and CHECK the ingredients list if you have known allergies before using a product. Always do strand and sensitivity tests before using a product. The views expressed throughout the site are not necessarily representative of Hair & Beauty From Home. Any advice on Products, services, councils, ATO's, Government bodies etc are opinions only and should not be taken as fact. Although we make every effort to make sure all content is relevant, correct and up to date, Hair & Beauty From Home will not be held responsible for any misleading information. All offensive or abusive content from the forum will be removed as soon as possible and Hair and Beauty From Home cannot be held responsible for content posted by users either publicly or through private correspondence.
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